Tuesday, July 3rd started out like any other day. I got up and ready for work. Wednesday's were my weekly midwife appointment days, but since Wednesday was the 4th my appointment was Tuesday instead. So I went to work and then left at 12:30 to pick up Lane and Noah to go to my appointment. When we got there it was the usual routine of weight, blood pressure, measure my belly etc. Becky asked if I wanted her to check me, to which Lane quickly responded with a yes. :) She said I was 4 cm dilated and 90% effaced. She said that Eli was ready and that it was just a matter of when. She said we may be able to get things rolling if she did a membrane sweep, and so we did. I immediately began to have contractions.
We stopped and grabbed some lunch and then I dropped Lane and Noah off and headed back to work. I got back to work at 2:30 and started timing contractions. I was afraid to get my hopes up thinking this was really it, so I tried to keep the thought of really being in labor to myself. At that point my contractions were not entirely regular. They were between 7-10 minutes apart, still varying in intensity. I kept working although I was a little distracted. I text Lane and told him I was pretty sure that I was really in labor and that I would leave work around 5:30. By the time I left work contractions were 6-7 minutes apart and I was having to stop and concentrate through them. I made it home by 6 and then we went to Red Lobster....Yes Red Lobster while in full blown labor..
We sat down and the contractions continued to get more intense. The whole time I was facebook messaging my dear friend Wendy, who had done 2 natural water births and also has a little girl with SMA like Noah. We had been talking about it for weeks and she was a huge help in preparing me in what to expect. ( Thanks girl, you are amazing!!) As we were waiting for food to come out my contractions were becoming even harder to deal with especially while sitting in a restaurant. Lane asked if he should have them fix it to go and I told him no, I'd be fine. The waitress began to look at me very strangely as I sat at the table with my eyes closed for long periods of time. Looking at me puzzled I told her I was in labor. her mouth dropped open as she stared at me and then asked if I needed an epidural. It was quite funny. Lane and I both laughed and all I could think was where are you going to get an epidural...waitress turned anesthesiologist??? Lane had her bring the check and he paid and then boxed up our food. Then we headed home. On the way I text Alicia (sweet friend and coworker) and told her I needed her to come cause this was the real deal. I asked her to be to the house in about 45 minutes. We got home at 7:30. I made Noah's food for the night and then headed upstairs to cope with the contractions and get his things ready for the night in between them. After I finished I sat on the birthing ball to try to see if it would help. At this point I was fine as long as I wasn't in the middle of a contraction. They grew closer and by 8:00 they were 4-5 minutes apart and painful. I continued messaging Wendy telling her what was going on. I remember telling her I wasn't sure at what point I needed to leave. She told me that they left when she was uncomfortable in between contractions. A few minutes later I was barely able to talk between them. I told Lane to call Becky and tell her what was going on. He did and then got a quick shower. A few minutes later Alicia arrived to take care of Noah.
I then began to cry during contractions, they were increasing in length and intensity. I told Lane to call Becky back and tell her we were on our way. It took me several stops to make it to the car and I don't remember even opening my eyes while in the car. The drive to the birthing center is only about 5 minutes. It was the longest and most uncomfortable car ride ever. When we arrived we pulled up to the back door of the birthing center and Becky met me at the car and helped me inside...very slowly. It was 8:40. Becky started to get things ready and Lane stood with me as I leaned against the counter. I was no longer getting breaks in between contractions. I remember the pain being non stop. All that I could think was that I wanted it to be over. I told Lane that I needed to use the bathroom. Becky told me the minute that I emptied my bladder that the pressure would become even more intense. That was the understatement of the year. After I finished she asked if she could could check my progress. It took me about 5 minutes just to make it to the bed. I got on the bed and it was the most unbearable position to be in. She told me she would check in between contractions and to tell her when I got a break...After a few minutes of no break, I told her to check anyway so I could change positions. I was 8 centimeters. All the things I had read about labor and transition, I knew I was close to the end. Lane helped me up and I got on all fours on the bed and hugged a giant bean bag. Lane put his elbows on my hips for counter pressure which helped tremendously. Meanwhile Becky was getting the birthing tub ready. Once the tub was ready Lane helped me in. The feeling of the warm water on my belly was extremely soothing. I remember with every contraction all I could say was it hurts, it hurts, it hurts. Lane climbed in the tub behind me...
I remember him repeating you can do this, and telling me how great I was doing.
He was an amazing supporter.
After about 40 minutes in the tub I finally started getting relief and was able to talk again between contractions. It was short breaks, but they were very much needed. I remember looking at the clock, it was 9:50. Becky said I could try to push and see how it felt, she said if my body wasn't ready I would be able to tell. I gave one small push....my body was definitely ready. I pushed again and my water broke. I took a short break and began pushing again. It was incredible to feel once I initiated the push my body took complete control and did all the work. It was uncontrollable and I couldn't stop it. Becky told me that if the burning was too intense that I needed to slow down. I told her I couldn't stop. I continued to push as she kept the doppler on my belly listening to Eli's heart rate. He began to get distressed so they
put oxygen on me. A few more pushes Becky checked my progress and said she could feel his head. She told me to reach down and feel, sure enough I could feel the top of his head and head full of hair. Another contraction came and I pushed hard, I could feel the burning as he was crowning. Another push and his head was completely out. She told me to reach down and grab him with the next contraction. One more good push and his shoulders slid out as I grabbed him and brought him to my chest. I remember staring at him as I told Lane "WE did it!" Eli was born at 10:06 P.M. 1 hour and 26 minutes after we got to the birthing center.
They fed us and then did his newborn exam. 6 pounds 9.5 ounces and 19 inches long. Around 2 am we were able to leave and go home to sleep in our own comfortable bed.
This by far is the most incredible, empowering and amazing experience I have ever had. We are so blessed to have been able to do this. We now have two beautiful, awesome little boys.