What's Happened, What's Coming Up.....

What's Next

2/29/2012- Meeting with orthotic specialist to get Noah casted for a RGO brace.

What Has Happened 

2/27/2012- Went to DME supply and picked up Bi-pap.

02/21/2012- Results are in- Baby Eli is SMA FREE!!!

2/16/2012- New stander is in!

2/1/2012- Meeting with Donota (Dr. Swoboda's team PT) 

1/31/2012- Meeting with Dr. Sakonju (Dr. Swoboda's colleague) to discuss Noah's regression and possibly putting him on Valproic Acid...

1/6/2012- Getting AFO's and meeting vendor to get Noah a stander.

12/19/2011- Noah has gained 2 pounds!!

12/8/2011- First PT appointment- was casted for AFO's (Ankle foot orthotics)

12/4/2011- Sleep study- Sad and glad it's over- Will have results in 3 weeks...

11/18/2011 Appointment with Pediatrician then follow up with surgeon for G-tube- Noah has gained 8 ounces in three weeks! Go Buddy!

11/15/2011- Met with Early Intervention 

10/30/2011- Was released from hospital after only 4 days!! Go Noah!

10/27/2011- G-tube surgery with Nissen (5-7 Day hospital stay) 

10/25/2011- Meet with PT and Dexa Scan

10/14/2011- Noah's tube surgery and EMG. When discharged met with Dr. Swoboda's team at SMA clinic.

10/11/2011- Met with PT for initial evaluation and swallow study (normal)

10/5/2011- Call from Dr. Benedict (8:23 a.m.) confirming SMA diagnosis from genetic testing

10/4/2011- Happy 1st Birthday Noah!!

9/29/2011- Met Neurologist (Dr. Benedict), suggested SMA as possible diagnosis.....blood drawn for genetic testing

9/26/2011-  Met ENT (Dr. Smith) scheduled tube surgery

9/23/2011- Appointment with Nurse practitioner.....Referred to ENT and Neurologist

9/05/2011- Moved to Utah

10/04/2010 Noah arrived!!